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UCL & LSE Nudgeathon 2023 - A 48-hour Behavioural Science ‘hackathon’ challenge

A child's hand - using drawing pencils and crayons for learning purposes.
  • Among the 60 participants selected globally to participate in the UCL×LSE Nudgeathon 2023.

  • Worked remotely with 4 Behavioural Science enthusiasts from across the globe on the brief which was set by TABADLAB/FCDO.

  • We developed a dual strategy (both online and offline) intervention using behavioural science concepts like Social Norms, messenger effect, Positive reinforcement, Chunking, Cognitive fluency etc.

  • Utilised the MINDSPACE framework to develop the intervention focusing on developing parental support in their primary school-aged children's Foundational Literacy and Numeracy abilities.

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